Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Time for Everything-Jim Bob's First Blog

It's me, Jim Bob, blogging. Just call me Jim Blog. Big day for me. Kelli coaxed me into starting a facebook account, and she's somehow persuaded me to submit my first blog. It's hard for a guy named Jim Bob to really enjoy technology. I guess this is just the next natural step that will lead to me being fed through the slot in my cage by my computer master. I hope my computer master will let me out to play with you all on weekends. Pretty sure that I'll be obselete before you though, so you've still got a little more time than me before you are replaced by the computer version of you.

I celebrated another big first tonight. Grayson and I had our first real game of catch. I got to say, "Keep your eye on the ball," which resulted in him getting beaned right on the noggin. True, it wasn't like a last second game winning toss from Harrell to Crabtree, but it was definitely a game of catch. Back and forth we tossed the nerf football, and I've got to say, he's got a good arm. It's funny, because two nights ago, he kept me up all night crying and refusing to let me go to sleep. I really thought I was going to lose it with him. Then tonight I had that moment that I've dreamed of having with him since I found out that we would be having a boy. I wouldn't trade our game of catch for a thousand nights of good sleep or even a Crabtree catch to beat Texas (that's a bold statement). I hope this was the first of many good games of catch with my boy. God, remind me of that if he keeps us up tonight. One day, he'll be my Crabtree, and I'll be his Harrell.


kristen lewis said...

You are blogtastic! Did you send out friend invitations to everyone in your contacts like your wife? Teehee!

You are a fabulous daddy. What a lucky little boy to get to play catch with you.

Matt and Rebekah said...

Wow, Jimmy really can type on a computer after all. Hate to hear you've got a facebook account, I hear that's a great way to get stalked. LOL What a fantastic story about you and your sweet son. You're right, he's got a good arm. Maybe though, it would be safe to say that by the time he's your Harrell, McClendon can be his Crabtree! LOL Nice job.

The Barnes Bunch said...

Impressive!! Greg told me that I am on my own with our blog!! Glad you and Grayson are bonding!!